PinnedAn Index For My Medium WritingsStories related to Life Lessons, Nature, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality, Creative Writing, and ArtOct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Published inPaper PoetryWhat I Eat in a Day for DefenseBecause Words are a Poet’s Shield and SwordJan 277Jan 277
Published inPaper PoetryJoy Is Small as a RaindropA free verse on a tropical Christmas season momentDec 21, 20244Dec 21, 20244
Published inPaper PoetryA Requiem Offering from the TicksA prose poem merging ‘Minutiae’ and ‘Patterns’ promptsDec 16, 20242Dec 16, 20242
Published inPaper PoetryPraise the Bread SestinaTotal recipe time was a perfect break from this poetry formSep 17, 20247Sep 17, 20247
Published inPaper PoetryCalling the Sky as a WitnessBecause it sees everythingMay 16, 20249May 16, 20249
Published inPaper PoetryCharging Into the End of the YearAfter Alfred, Lord TennysonDec 19, 20234Dec 19, 20234